Well, 5 calls last nite. Had a feeling that I am the only one working last nite...-_-" Proceed twice once the ambulance reached station.
Last case for the duty is a standby again. Patient was hit on the head by a pallet from a height. Patient's BP quite high (no history of hypertension), drowsy c/o nausea and giddy. Called for standby recalling the call I had with the ICP patient. Can't risk it again. Did you notice sometimes when you just put down your matra for a standby case and the patient miraclerously turned for the better?? That happens to me... from GCS of 10, it became 14 right after I called for standby.... duh?? Well, I guess most is kana scolding from hospital, but at least I make sure my patient is taken care of. :p
Had a lonely Christmas this year..... I am still stuck in my search for a purpose. Well, hope I will get greater insight next year bah..*wink*
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Yoyo, just finished a TV prog. Its Christams! Too bad I am at home watching tv. Woud have prefer to go out and join the crowd... :)
Still sick and coughing...
Finished my 1st official solo block duty. Someone left a note in Joan's blog that you won't forget your first call and can you believe it? I can't recall what was mine!!!*rolleyes* Well, what I can rem is I got my first standby case on my 2nd duty..... -_-"
Case of a heart patient just underwent ballooning ops and feeling drowsy. She was actually hypoglycemic. Called for standby and infused Dextrose for her, condition improve slightly after the 1st 100ml. Phew! I shot, 1 kill for my IV *yeah* It has been a long time since I last done a IV on a patient... :) Missed out some details but nothing serious, just have to learn to be more zai for my future calls bah.....how's that for my Christmas present?? ;p
Listening to Christmas songs on my laptop now....
Wishing all a Merry and Peaceful Christmas!! Cheers....... *wink*
Still sick and coughing...
Finished my 1st official solo block duty. Someone left a note in Joan's blog that you won't forget your first call and can you believe it? I can't recall what was mine!!!*rolleyes* Well, what I can rem is I got my first standby case on my 2nd duty..... -_-"
Case of a heart patient just underwent ballooning ops and feeling drowsy. She was actually hypoglycemic. Called for standby and infused Dextrose for her, condition improve slightly after the 1st 100ml. Phew! I shot, 1 kill for my IV *yeah* It has been a long time since I last done a IV on a patient... :) Missed out some details but nothing serious, just have to learn to be more zai for my future calls bah.....how's that for my Christmas present?? ;p
Listening to Christmas songs on my laptop now....
Wishing all a Merry and Peaceful Christmas!! Cheers....... *wink*
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Kenneth's Wedding
Well, just came back from Kenneth's wedding and met up with a lot of batch boys. Haa... missed their rubbish and crap. Had a good laugh over the dinner tonite. :)
Strange to say lor (actually not tt strange considering that I have always been around guys) I still feel more comfortable with guys *shrug* I dun care if they crap in front of me or talk abt obsene topics or treat me as 1 of their brothers... I can take all. Hahahaa.... maybe I really have more male genes than I dare to admit. As for ger's company, I dun mind Yenli and some of them cos I guess I know their style and their capabilities.
Hearing the guys talk abt their work in Navy really makes me miss the SAF. Sorta regret my decision. Why leh? Cos I think SAF is more suitable for me bah. The lifestyle and the job scope, of cos I would have prefered combat than service. Not to say I dun like my present job, but..... there is a difference between fighting for the country and saving the civilians lor......
Somemore, think over Navy more possibilities of finding a mate bah....hahahaha....
Anyway, almost all of them commented that I've grown very thin hmmmm.... think I gotta beef up myself le..
okie, working solo starting tomorrow le.. gotta sleep now. Nite!!
Strange to say lor (actually not tt strange considering that I have always been around guys) I still feel more comfortable with guys *shrug* I dun care if they crap in front of me or talk abt obsene topics or treat me as 1 of their brothers... I can take all. Hahahaa.... maybe I really have more male genes than I dare to admit. As for ger's company, I dun mind Yenli and some of them cos I guess I know their style and their capabilities.
Hearing the guys talk abt their work in Navy really makes me miss the SAF. Sorta regret my decision. Why leh? Cos I think SAF is more suitable for me bah. The lifestyle and the job scope, of cos I would have prefered combat than service. Not to say I dun like my present job, but..... there is a difference between fighting for the country and saving the civilians lor......
Somemore, think over Navy more possibilities of finding a mate bah....hahahaha....
Anyway, almost all of them commented that I've grown very thin hmmmm.... think I gotta beef up myself le..
okie, working solo starting tomorrow le.. gotta sleep now. Nite!!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Half-Blooded Prince
Finally finished reading the lastest book of Harry Potter. So far a lot of ppl have died. Sirius Black and Dumbledore's dead too. Haizz.... would you want to lead a normal and peaceful life or a dangerous and purposeful one if you were in that kinda 兵荒马乱的时期? Fight or flight? Be a commoner or a hero? What would you do? Guess I won't take it lying down and just wait for things to happen bah. Would I be determine enough to overcome all adversities and braved on? I will like to think so.
My head is above the clouds again...... come down, come down, come down... :p
I like Harry Potter!!!
My head is above the clouds again...... come down, come down, come down... :p
I like Harry Potter!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Alive but sick
Yoyo, haven been updating much have I? Hmm.... I am sick ever since I posted that I was sick and tt was how many days liao?? Think getting worse... now coughing like a TB patient... :(
Feel lazy to go out recently. Think must be my cough. But managed to finish "Harry Potter & the Order of Phoenix" in 1 day... V^_^ Really cannot put the book down once you started. Nice nice, was engaged in the fantasy world of wizards and witches whole of yesterday from 1pm - 2am. :p
Such a nice break from the real world.... Gotta work on the next book liao :D
Feel lazy to go out recently. Think must be my cough. But managed to finish "Harry Potter & the Order of Phoenix" in 1 day... V^_^ Really cannot put the book down once you started. Nice nice, was engaged in the fantasy world of wizards and witches whole of yesterday from 1pm - 2am. :p
Such a nice break from the real world.... Gotta work on the next book liao :D
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
On the job!
Yo, today 2nd day running as a PM. Very tiring.... 8 calls today and the last one was a nonsense patient. Sent him in anyway. Yesterday ran solo. Luckily nothing major I can't handle crops up... phew!
Okay lar, feel comfortable running on my own. But....... there is still lots and lots of room for improvment. Hope to get better as days goes by. :)
As for my new station, everything is still okay. Ppl there are okay and friendly enough. But guess we still need some time to adjust to each other bah...
Okay lar, feel comfortable running on my own. But....... there is still lots and lots of room for improvment. Hope to get better as days goes by. :)
As for my new station, everything is still okay. Ppl there are okay and friendly enough. But guess we still need some time to adjust to each other bah...
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Spent the last half and hour deleting some private entries. Well, you do have to clear your emtions sometimes.... periodically actually. Your heart is only so big, you need to clear the unnecessary to breathe and pump better.. :p
情绪大扫除 is a must. You may think you have gotten over already but 有时候,心深处还是会有一些残留,需要多一点时间和毅力去把它清除。
情绪大扫除 is a must. You may think you have gotten over already but 有时候,心深处还是会有一些残留,需要多一点时间和毅力去把它清除。
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Monday, December 5, 2005
1. 很清楚的知道她不合適自己,可是更確定的是他不會主動說分手。他只是耗著等著,直到有一天女生自己受不了忽冷忽熱、若即若離的態度,或是等到年華老去不得不下決定時,自己選擇離開。妳的主動離開,我沒有負心,反而是尊重與成全妳的決定。
2. 半年後發現,他居然可以跟一個只認識三個月的女生步入禮堂,令她晴天霹靂,才明白他不是不想結婚,不是真的不婚主義者,說穿了只是他不想跟妳結婚。八年的愛情長跑比不上三個月的感情。
3. 這位故事中的男生是我的朋友,現在也已經結婚半年。當他聽到劉若英的「後來」,居然會無法克制的流眼淚,想起的是他交往八年的前任女友。為什麼會難過,因為妻子身上有著前任女友的影子,他才明白其實他喜歡的就是這種類型的女孩。
4. 可是人往往很矛盾,喜歡她的倔強與有性格,卻受不了她的嬌縱。喜歡她的落落大方,卻受不了她的朋友一堆;你愛她的小家碧玉,就不要怪她不夠大方;你愛她的活潑大方,就不要批評她像花蝴蝶一樣。戀愛談的愈長,結婚的可能性就愈低,所以有時候戀愛的長度與結婚的可能性成反比。
5. 喜新厭舊是人性,日子久了,會結婚不是為了愛情,而是責任感的驅使。婚後的他才慢慢的發現,當時的那一段感情其實不是不愛,是時間太久了太長了,把愛情給磨掉了,再遇到另一個女孩點燃了愛情的火苗,星星之火足以遼源,把枯竭已久的愛情給予生命,所以倉促的決定結婚。等到真的結婚後,愛情降了溫,才慢慢的發現其實妻子的身上有著許多前任女友的影子,他比較愛的人其實還是前任女友,可是他娶的卻不是她。這樣的情節不知道是不是也在別處同樣上演著?
6. 學生時代的愛情很單純,出社會以後總想等工作穩定以後再結婚,工作穩定以後又想等有一點積蓄買車子、買房子以後再結婚,等著等著,等到愛情被時光給消磨,等到第三者介入點燃了對方心中激情的火苗,乾柴烈火不可收拾以後,曾經在年少一起織夢的理想全都抵擋不了新鮮感的激情,所以琵琶別抱,到最後步入禮堂的都不是在一起同甘共苦、共同經歷過寒、暑假,等當兵的人。
7. 所以奉勸各位女孩子,如果對方真的是你想結婚的對象,不要想著有房子有車子有金子,有了一切再結婚。現實是,等他有了一切,他的身價暴漲是有價值的單身貴族,他必需要面臨的是更多的誘惑,妳長久以來的等待與年輕時許下的山盟海誓都難以抵擋誘惑排山倒海的來。
8. 也提醒各位男士,如果對方真的是你想好好疼愛的女人,別讓她等太久,有她一起陪你奮鬥應該是很美好的一件事除非你心中有其他的想法,否則別讓愛情等太久,把真愛都磨掉了!雖然聽起來很殘忍,但身邊的家人朋友都有類似的例子。真愛,就不要等,除非是不想結婚......
So true.... that was what me and a frend discussed before, cos he was also a victim of long-term patohing. Its really no use waiting too long to get married...
1. 很清楚的知道她不合適自己,可是更確定的是他不會主動說分手。他只是耗著等著,直到有一天女生自己受不了忽冷忽熱、若即若離的態度,或是等到年華老去不得不下決定時,自己選擇離開。妳的主動離開,我沒有負心,反而是尊重與成全妳的決定。
2. 半年後發現,他居然可以跟一個只認識三個月的女生步入禮堂,令她晴天霹靂,才明白他不是不想結婚,不是真的不婚主義者,說穿了只是他不想跟妳結婚。八年的愛情長跑比不上三個月的感情。
3. 這位故事中的男生是我的朋友,現在也已經結婚半年。當他聽到劉若英的「後來」,居然會無法克制的流眼淚,想起的是他交往八年的前任女友。為什麼會難過,因為妻子身上有著前任女友的影子,他才明白其實他喜歡的就是這種類型的女孩。
4. 可是人往往很矛盾,喜歡她的倔強與有性格,卻受不了她的嬌縱。喜歡她的落落大方,卻受不了她的朋友一堆;你愛她的小家碧玉,就不要怪她不夠大方;你愛她的活潑大方,就不要批評她像花蝴蝶一樣。戀愛談的愈長,結婚的可能性就愈低,所以有時候戀愛的長度與結婚的可能性成反比。
5. 喜新厭舊是人性,日子久了,會結婚不是為了愛情,而是責任感的驅使。婚後的他才慢慢的發現,當時的那一段感情其實不是不愛,是時間太久了太長了,把愛情給磨掉了,再遇到另一個女孩點燃了愛情的火苗,星星之火足以遼源,把枯竭已久的愛情給予生命,所以倉促的決定結婚。等到真的結婚後,愛情降了溫,才慢慢的發現其實妻子的身上有著許多前任女友的影子,他比較愛的人其實還是前任女友,可是他娶的卻不是她。這樣的情節不知道是不是也在別處同樣上演著?
6. 學生時代的愛情很單純,出社會以後總想等工作穩定以後再結婚,工作穩定以後又想等有一點積蓄買車子、買房子以後再結婚,等著等著,等到愛情被時光給消磨,等到第三者介入點燃了對方心中激情的火苗,乾柴烈火不可收拾以後,曾經在年少一起織夢的理想全都抵擋不了新鮮感的激情,所以琵琶別抱,到最後步入禮堂的都不是在一起同甘共苦、共同經歷過寒、暑假,等當兵的人。
7. 所以奉勸各位女孩子,如果對方真的是你想結婚的對象,不要想著有房子有車子有金子,有了一切再結婚。現實是,等他有了一切,他的身價暴漲是有價值的單身貴族,他必需要面臨的是更多的誘惑,妳長久以來的等待與年輕時許下的山盟海誓都難以抵擋誘惑排山倒海的來。
8. 也提醒各位男士,如果對方真的是你想好好疼愛的女人,別讓她等太久,有她一起陪你奮鬥應該是很美好的一件事除非你心中有其他的想法,否則別讓愛情等太久,把真愛都磨掉了!雖然聽起來很殘忍,但身邊的家人朋友都有類似的例子。真愛,就不要等,除非是不想結婚......
So true.... that was what me and a frend discussed before, cos he was also a victim of long-term patohing. Its really no use waiting too long to get married...
White Ribbon Campaign
Mum just passed me a brochure from the letterbox . White Ribbon Campaign (WRC). Heard of this before? Its the largest international effort of men working to end mens' violence against women. The WRC in Singapore is organised by the Male Chapter of the AWARE. Focus this year is on family violence including the impact and effect on children who are the silent witness of domestic violence.
Had to say something abt domestic violence. Very sad to say even today, domestic violence is still an issue in Sinagpore. Not only the men hitting the wives, but also wives hitting the husband (how come nothing is being done for husband abuse?? *scratch head*). Not forgetting children if not the indirect victims of domestic violence, are the victims themselves. Know why? Cos most of the parents only know how to discipline kids using violence. Maybe not so for the kids nowadays as young parents are adequately educated to use alternative methods in teaching and disciplining the kids.
But I believe most of my generation were victims ourselves of domestic violence. Firstly, most of our parents are not so well educated, and as a known fact, violence begets violence. Our parents grew up in a environment when it was the standard to use violence as means of discipline. They were treated that way and they used it on their kids. Not because they wanted to, but that was the only way they were exposed to. Children of domestic violence might gorw up feeling insecure, depressed, withdrawn and ultimately practising this on their own kids or other people and the vicious cycle continues.....
Me too was a victim of child abuse. No, my mum did not use iron or cigarette buds to burn me... but the things she done to me was considered as child abuse. I told her once jokingly that what she did to me is consider as child abuse and she agreed. Guess most of our parents knew it, but they were helpless as they did not know any other methods then. Hmmm.... tt explains my streak of violence sometimes?? *raise eyebrows* :p
Of cos there are cases whereby some kids are being abused not because of discipline, but just pure anger vent for their parents... poor things. Do parents know the importance of being a parent? Do they know that they are responsible for all their kids actions and their growth? The kind of people that they turn out to be? Do they know whatever small things they do intentionally or not will still affect the kids? You just never know how that small thing might change their lives. So if you no money, dun fuck so much and have so many kids. Hate those parents that treat their children like rubbish, anger venting avenues. Why the fuck have so many kids when you know you have no means to give them happiness??? They are not toys or pets that you can dump them aside once trouble crops up or when you get tired of them. Dun commit if you have doubts about keeping your promise.........
Had to say something abt domestic violence. Very sad to say even today, domestic violence is still an issue in Sinagpore. Not only the men hitting the wives, but also wives hitting the husband (how come nothing is being done for husband abuse?? *scratch head*). Not forgetting children if not the indirect victims of domestic violence, are the victims themselves. Know why? Cos most of the parents only know how to discipline kids using violence. Maybe not so for the kids nowadays as young parents are adequately educated to use alternative methods in teaching and disciplining the kids.
But I believe most of my generation were victims ourselves of domestic violence. Firstly, most of our parents are not so well educated, and as a known fact, violence begets violence. Our parents grew up in a environment when it was the standard to use violence as means of discipline. They were treated that way and they used it on their kids. Not because they wanted to, but that was the only way they were exposed to. Children of domestic violence might gorw up feeling insecure, depressed, withdrawn and ultimately practising this on their own kids or other people and the vicious cycle continues.....
Me too was a victim of child abuse. No, my mum did not use iron or cigarette buds to burn me... but the things she done to me was considered as child abuse. I told her once jokingly that what she did to me is consider as child abuse and she agreed. Guess most of our parents knew it, but they were helpless as they did not know any other methods then. Hmmm.... tt explains my streak of violence sometimes?? *raise eyebrows* :p
Of cos there are cases whereby some kids are being abused not because of discipline, but just pure anger vent for their parents... poor things. Do parents know the importance of being a parent? Do they know that they are responsible for all their kids actions and their growth? The kind of people that they turn out to be? Do they know whatever small things they do intentionally or not will still affect the kids? You just never know how that small thing might change their lives. So if you no money, dun fuck so much and have so many kids. Hate those parents that treat their children like rubbish, anger venting avenues. Why the fuck have so many kids when you know you have no means to give them happiness??? They are not toys or pets that you can dump them aside once trouble crops up or when you get tired of them. Dun commit if you have doubts about keeping your promise.........
Sunday, December 4, 2005
我的祷词 (梁文福)
The Perfect Present: Using Your Five Senses to Liv
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift - that is why we call it the present." Author unknown
How much of your life is lost either dwelling on the past or worrying about the future? When your thoughts are imprisoned by the past or fearful of the future, you can miss out on one of life's greatest gifts: that which is happening today and indeed this very moment.
The reality is that when you are yearning for yesterday and either tempted or terrified by tomorrow, your ability to move forward will be confined by your inability to make the most of today. The key to throwing off your shackles is to put your effort into the present moment. Not only will you reap the rewards of enjoying a new awareness of everything around you, but also you will have a healthy and positive place from which to move forward in a constructive and fulfilling way.
Utilizing the five senses, here a few simple examples of how you can practice "being present" or "living in the moment":
1. Touch
As you go about your daily activities, be mindful of the texture, temperature and feel of things. Start with your clothing. Are you wearing a pressed cotton shirt, velour jogging suit or rugged denim jeans? What about your work environment? Is your desk made of slick, smooth laminate or rough wood?
2. Taste
When you eat your meals today, chew slowly and savor each bite. What different flavors do you encounter? What feelings, associations and memories arise from the various tastes? Do you have enough variety or are the tastes almost bland because of their familiarity? Which taste is your favorite one of today?
3. See
Actively notice things in your environment. As you drive to work or are out on errands, do you see anything new? Perhaps a new shop has opened or flowers are in bloom along the highway. Investigate the range of colors. Instead of thinking that something is "blue", narrow it down. Is it a deep navy blue or a tropical turquoise?
4. Smell
Aside from the obvious things you normally smell like your food or the perfume/cologne you wear, try to observe the scent of other things. And no, not just the roses! If you are mowing the lawn, really take in the scent of the fresh cut grass or the earthy soil. If you are washing the dishes, notice the smell of the dishwashing liquid. Do you like it or is it time for something different?
5. Hear
When you are interacting with others today, give them your undivided attention: don't interrupt and listen attentively before you speak. Listen also to the background noise of your life. Can you hear birdsong? How many types can you make out? When you step outside, do you hear the children playing next door or the dog barking down the street? How do you feel when you hear these sounds? What is the most pleasant sound of the day?
Awareness of the present moment will make you feel in control of your life. Of course, learning from our mistakes, reminiscing over the past or planning for the future all have their places but after you've done so, let these thoughts go. Today is what really matters, irrespective of how imperfect it might seem and it is your attitude towards today which counts. You may have little control over things today but one thing is certain. you can choose and control your attitude towards today.
Enjoy the present moment then without dwelling on earlier or later, yesterday or tomorrow, past or future. Be mindful of the gathering storm of your thoughts if they carry you away to another time frame under a cloud of pessimism. Quell the storm by reining in your mind and your actions back to the "perfect present" and the world will open up to you with all of today's wonderful opportunities.
Copyright 2005 Vivian Banta
About the Author:
Vivian Banta is a life coach who works with people in pursuit of their passion who want to fully engage in their lives. Are you ready to plant your heart in the garden of your dreams? Find out how by visiting her website at http://gardenofsenses.com or e-mail her at coach@gardenofsenses.com to schedule a free, 30-minute personal coaching session.
How much of your life is lost either dwelling on the past or worrying about the future? When your thoughts are imprisoned by the past or fearful of the future, you can miss out on one of life's greatest gifts: that which is happening today and indeed this very moment.
The reality is that when you are yearning for yesterday and either tempted or terrified by tomorrow, your ability to move forward will be confined by your inability to make the most of today. The key to throwing off your shackles is to put your effort into the present moment. Not only will you reap the rewards of enjoying a new awareness of everything around you, but also you will have a healthy and positive place from which to move forward in a constructive and fulfilling way.
Utilizing the five senses, here a few simple examples of how you can practice "being present" or "living in the moment":
1. Touch
As you go about your daily activities, be mindful of the texture, temperature and feel of things. Start with your clothing. Are you wearing a pressed cotton shirt, velour jogging suit or rugged denim jeans? What about your work environment? Is your desk made of slick, smooth laminate or rough wood?
2. Taste
When you eat your meals today, chew slowly and savor each bite. What different flavors do you encounter? What feelings, associations and memories arise from the various tastes? Do you have enough variety or are the tastes almost bland because of their familiarity? Which taste is your favorite one of today?
3. See
Actively notice things in your environment. As you drive to work or are out on errands, do you see anything new? Perhaps a new shop has opened or flowers are in bloom along the highway. Investigate the range of colors. Instead of thinking that something is "blue", narrow it down. Is it a deep navy blue or a tropical turquoise?
4. Smell
Aside from the obvious things you normally smell like your food or the perfume/cologne you wear, try to observe the scent of other things. And no, not just the roses! If you are mowing the lawn, really take in the scent of the fresh cut grass or the earthy soil. If you are washing the dishes, notice the smell of the dishwashing liquid. Do you like it or is it time for something different?
5. Hear
When you are interacting with others today, give them your undivided attention: don't interrupt and listen attentively before you speak. Listen also to the background noise of your life. Can you hear birdsong? How many types can you make out? When you step outside, do you hear the children playing next door or the dog barking down the street? How do you feel when you hear these sounds? What is the most pleasant sound of the day?
Awareness of the present moment will make you feel in control of your life. Of course, learning from our mistakes, reminiscing over the past or planning for the future all have their places but after you've done so, let these thoughts go. Today is what really matters, irrespective of how imperfect it might seem and it is your attitude towards today which counts. You may have little control over things today but one thing is certain. you can choose and control your attitude towards today.
Enjoy the present moment then without dwelling on earlier or later, yesterday or tomorrow, past or future. Be mindful of the gathering storm of your thoughts if they carry you away to another time frame under a cloud of pessimism. Quell the storm by reining in your mind and your actions back to the "perfect present" and the world will open up to you with all of today's wonderful opportunities.
Copyright 2005 Vivian Banta
About the Author:
Vivian Banta is a life coach who works with people in pursuit of their passion who want to fully engage in their lives. Are you ready to plant your heart in the garden of your dreams? Find out how by visiting her website at http://gardenofsenses.com or e-mail her at coach@gardenofsenses.com to schedule a free, 30-minute personal coaching session.
Things happen for a reason
Okie, love department still a bit of a mess, but make my decision liao, give up the guy I interested in cos I finally see clearly that he is not interested in me. :p
However, I always believe things happen for a reason. Maybe like 1 of my frend who commented, me being interested in that guy might be a lesson for me and agreed. Reflecting on it, it makes me think about my contribution in a r/s. It makes me want to treasure my partner more and to be more accomodating to him. Maybe I will even have children with him if I really love him that much (but for that department, still much to be debated). It makes me rethink on how I will want to make my partner happy and that it takes a lot of effort to maintain the fire in a r/s.
Like I always say, I never regreted any of the r/s that i have been thru (though they took up the best of my shelf life :p) cos I learnt a lot from each of them. Something good will come out of whatever bullshit you encounter. Its just how you view the situation... maintain a positive attitude and stay happy... YEAH!
However, I always believe things happen for a reason. Maybe like 1 of my frend who commented, me being interested in that guy might be a lesson for me and agreed. Reflecting on it, it makes me think about my contribution in a r/s. It makes me want to treasure my partner more and to be more accomodating to him. Maybe I will even have children with him if I really love him that much (but for that department, still much to be debated). It makes me rethink on how I will want to make my partner happy and that it takes a lot of effort to maintain the fire in a r/s.
Like I always say, I never regreted any of the r/s that i have been thru (though they took up the best of my shelf life :p) cos I learnt a lot from each of them. Something good will come out of whatever bullshit you encounter. Its just how you view the situation... maintain a positive attitude and stay happy... YEAH!
Review of 2005 Resolution
Haha.... guess what? Today is 3 Dec 2005.... another year coming to an end.
Took account of my resolutions achieved since beginning of the year.
Lets see....
1. Work hard, improve and pass my Lvl 3.
2. Settle family matters and support mum n siblings
3. Give more time to mum
Did talk and communicate more with her
4. Monitor expenses and go for LASIK ops
5. Maintain healthy lifestyle, go gym
Okie lar, a bit lazy towards the end... :p
6. Let nature take its course in my Love department
Mist clear, can see better.... still lots of room for improvement. But hey, at least I got 1 thing outta my mind k?
Wah!! Think this is the first time, I managed to achieve all my New Year resolution!!
*a round of applause pleases* :p
Good, good, think after the course from TCC, I can focus and work towards the objectives set. Shall continue to have The Courage to Create.... V^_^
Took account of my resolutions achieved since beginning of the year.
Lets see....
1. Work hard, improve and pass my Lvl 3.
2. Settle family matters and support mum n siblings
3. Give more time to mum
Did talk and communicate more with her
4. Monitor expenses and go for LASIK ops
5. Maintain healthy lifestyle, go gym
Okie lar, a bit lazy towards the end... :p
6. Let nature take its course in my Love department
Mist clear, can see better.... still lots of room for improvement. But hey, at least I got 1 thing outta my mind k?
Wah!! Think this is the first time, I managed to achieve all my New Year resolution!!
*a round of applause pleases* :p
Good, good, think after the course from TCC, I can focus and work towards the objectives set. Shall continue to have The Courage to Create.... V^_^
Friday, December 2, 2005
The 5 people you meet in heaven
Finished reading the book in 3 hours...now I dun know what books to read liao -_-"....
A very good book. But is it till after death then you know your purpose in living and doing the things you do all your life? I do believe things happen for a reason. Its just whether you got the meaning earlier or later. Guess life is a journey of self exploration. There are so many things to discover about yourself and how to overcome and make sense of all things happening ard you.
Able to be at peace with oneself is so difficult. 空亦是色,色亦是空。看破红尘,我功力还不够深 .....
A very good book. But is it till after death then you know your purpose in living and doing the things you do all your life? I do believe things happen for a reason. Its just whether you got the meaning earlier or later. Guess life is a journey of self exploration. There are so many things to discover about yourself and how to overcome and make sense of all things happening ard you.
Able to be at peace with oneself is so difficult. 空亦是色,色亦是空。看破红尘,我功力还不够深 .....
Thursday, December 1, 2005
Hotel New World
Duh.... can you imagine I just spent 5 hours (over 2 days) reading Night Fall by Nelson Demille and what a GREAT disapointment it was!! :( Story with no ending...... no wonder its selling at half price when its published date was 2004....
Wasted my eyesight and time.... hummp.
Okie, back to what I really wanted to write today. Saw the episode of True Courage Hotel New World when having our Emergency Behaviour lecture. It happened in 1986 and that was the first time a building collapsed in Singapore. It really was a mind-shattering accident and left very deep impression in our nation man untill today. We can see how the nation bend together, helping in what small ways we can, with the rescue work and some aunties cooking and bringing food for the rescue workers. It was a tragedy. What was most heart-wrenching was the ger named Angela Chew.... she was only 2 meters away from the rescuers when the make-shift tunnel dug by the MRT experts (most of them expats but risk their lives to dug the tunnels to the surviours) collapsed. 10 hours were wasted because of the collapse and the next time they came into contact with her, she had already bleed to death..... I can really empathise with the rescuers and doctors .. a life had slipped out of their hands when they were so near yet so far away from her. She was only 20. Can you imagine the surviours had to endure whatever torment they had physically and mentally for as long as 82 hours for some? Guess people perform miracles in times of adversity.... you never really know your limit or the best/ worse in you unless you are thrown into that situation.
I was only 9 years old then. I can still remember my tots at that time... I was thinking, why aren't I older, I would have lended my hands to the rescue work back then. Maybe that unconsciously geared me into choosing my present career. Somemore I still had the ambition of being a nurse at that point of time. Did I ever mentioned my ambition was to be a nurse when I was like in Pri 1?? I carried that all the way into my secondary school days untill my mum managed to brainwashed me... :p But as fate would have it.... I am back in the medical line and got a even better deal, a mixture of medical and adventure.. YEAH!!;)
Frankly I just realised regardless whether I don a uniform or not... I am still sticking to an organisation....... no prize for guessing rite.... with uniform. Dun ask me why this fetish with uniforms..... I can't answer you.. :p I need action, I need gung-ho-ness. Can't live without it.... perhaps due to the deduction that I was a man in my previous life?? Hahahhaa.... I am more suited to be a man -_-".
Anyway, done with this disappointing Demille book. Shall get started on "5 people you meet in heaven" which I borrowed from Joan.....
*like writing blogs cos there are so much feelings and issues I wanna talk about. You know, some times you can't keep harping to your audience... they will need ear plugs cos I know I have this bad habit of repeating the same thing over and over again to get it out of my system, be it good or bad.... :p
Wasted my eyesight and time.... hummp.
Okie, back to what I really wanted to write today. Saw the episode of True Courage Hotel New World when having our Emergency Behaviour lecture. It happened in 1986 and that was the first time a building collapsed in Singapore. It really was a mind-shattering accident and left very deep impression in our nation man untill today. We can see how the nation bend together, helping in what small ways we can, with the rescue work and some aunties cooking and bringing food for the rescue workers. It was a tragedy. What was most heart-wrenching was the ger named Angela Chew.... she was only 2 meters away from the rescuers when the make-shift tunnel dug by the MRT experts (most of them expats but risk their lives to dug the tunnels to the surviours) collapsed. 10 hours were wasted because of the collapse and the next time they came into contact with her, she had already bleed to death..... I can really empathise with the rescuers and doctors .. a life had slipped out of their hands when they were so near yet so far away from her. She was only 20. Can you imagine the surviours had to endure whatever torment they had physically and mentally for as long as 82 hours for some? Guess people perform miracles in times of adversity.... you never really know your limit or the best/ worse in you unless you are thrown into that situation.
I was only 9 years old then. I can still remember my tots at that time... I was thinking, why aren't I older, I would have lended my hands to the rescue work back then. Maybe that unconsciously geared me into choosing my present career. Somemore I still had the ambition of being a nurse at that point of time. Did I ever mentioned my ambition was to be a nurse when I was like in Pri 1?? I carried that all the way into my secondary school days untill my mum managed to brainwashed me... :p But as fate would have it.... I am back in the medical line and got a even better deal, a mixture of medical and adventure.. YEAH!!;)
Frankly I just realised regardless whether I don a uniform or not... I am still sticking to an organisation....... no prize for guessing rite.... with uniform. Dun ask me why this fetish with uniforms..... I can't answer you.. :p I need action, I need gung-ho-ness. Can't live without it.... perhaps due to the deduction that I was a man in my previous life?? Hahahhaa.... I am more suited to be a man -_-".
Anyway, done with this disappointing Demille book. Shall get started on "5 people you meet in heaven" which I borrowed from Joan.....
*like writing blogs cos there are so much feelings and issues I wanna talk about. You know, some times you can't keep harping to your audience... they will need ear plugs cos I know I have this bad habit of repeating the same thing over and over again to get it out of my system, be it good or bad.... :p
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