Sunday, July 30, 2006
I was chio then
Decided to cut my hair le, think I look better with short hair..:p
Hmmm.... saw old photos with my exs. They reflected those happy times then. Haa. I am considered quite lucky you know? All my boyfriends quite sayang me one.... but tt was all in the past le. I realised I did not have so much wrinkles then..... *sob sob* Comparing then and now, experiences were written all over my face. I was no longer so carefree and cheerful. Charlie's mum commented before that I looked more seasoned (read hagged) after I left the Navy and started my biz. I guess you can try your best to fool the world, but you can't fool your body.... :)
And yes, now I know why my batch boys and RC mates commented that I slimmed down a lot. Indeed, I SLIMMED down a lot. Looked sexier and healthier then. Time to get fleshy... heee
Feeling nostalgic again...*rolleyes*
Saturday, July 29, 2006
When a guy rejects a gal...
"...there is only 1 reason, he dun fancy her. " This is also true the other way round.
It is really hurtful and painful when your love is not being reciprocate. But it happens all the time.... haizz, sad.. :(
So you either persevere and hope that he/she will finally be moved by you or you can choose to move on. For me, I dun like to 强人所难,and I hope I will never deviated from this principle. If the guy dun like you, it will be meaningless making him yours. Then you will feel insecure in the relationship. 何苦呢?
Ah fuck, I hate life!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
I love sunset
Nice hor? Here are some places where you can catch very beautiful sunsets
1. Harbour Front
2. Sentosa
3. P. Ubin
4. Changi
5. Marina Bay (along Sheres Bridge)
6. National/ Indoor Stadium
7. West Coast
8. Tuas Naval Base
9. Singapore River
I looked at his cute little face and a rush of emotions set upon me. On 1 hand, the little one is so innocent and just arrived in this big world for mere 4 months, on the other, this is only the begining of his long and tedious journey on this earth. I know it is inapproporate for me to write all these negative ideas when a few of my frends are newly appointed parents.
The heavy responsibility of parenting can never be stressed enough. Just look at my own mum for example. She complained about worrying for us even up till now. A parent just can stand aside and not lend a helping hand when the child needs help. To the extent that the children's problems become theirs when the children themselves do not want to face it. We have been taking our parents for granted. Like my sis, mum has to help look after the kid while the parents are more concern about their own leisure. We children had been short-charging our mum. I feel ashamed of myself. :(
Because of my sis situation, I am in a depressed and negative mood again. When I look at Jovan, I can just imagine the challenges ahead of him. Growing up pains. All family has them. Growing up is really tiring and scary. We all have sad stories to tell when we were growing up. Some past are so painful that they are better stored at the very back of the mind.
With the problem now between my sis and her husband and her mother-in-law, I really cannot see the future for them. I look at the way my bro-in-law and his mother treat my sis and mum, I am really stuck for words. I dun know how my sis is gonna survive this marriage. Why can't he treat her and us nicer? Did he really have an agenda to take advantage of us? Why is my sis so muddle as to get herself into all sorts of trouble? When will she ever learn?? That is why my mum is so frustrated, my sis problem and happiness has become her problem now (and mine).... shit.
Maybe not having any children is the correct choice.....
Okay, enough of me, myself and I. Talk about office politics. Haizz, why is there a need to differentiate which rota you in? Whether you EAS or ERS? We are all just working together, why can't we compromise and be more accomodating towards each other? Is there really a need to draw the line so clearly? Most of the time, we don't usually hate the whole group or whatever but at individuals. If it is the individual that you are unhappy with, be more objective and dun involve those innocents...
Been browsing ard my friends blog and I miss reading their updates. I think blogs bring people closer though we may never have met one another other before, like Mr Brown, Gayle, Rockson and such....
Sunday, July 23, 2006
House work
Modern women tried and strived to be the all-rounder superwomen. Okay, this sounds a bit crude, basically men want a woman who 进得了厨房,出得了厅堂,上得了床。 Of cos there are clever women out there who knows it takes real efforts to attain that level and are satisfied to fulfill at least 2 of the traits. lolz... damn, the women are going to hate me.
Back to the housework, tending family topic. Dun laugh at me, though I am from the X gen, I think I will be proud of myself if I can manage to tend and cook for my partner. Hmm....要做个聪明的女人!*wink*
PS. Bought this new washing powder, supposed to make white garments whiter and brighter. Well, shall see how white my pants will be later.... heh
Friday, July 21, 2006
Wise Advice
- Unknown
Something that I have real problem adhering to....wahaha
Dun like unhappy things
Duh, know why am I writing now? Cos there is the repeat telecast of Holland Village on tv and I dun like scenes with unhappy happenings. Like someone kana framed by others, someone bullying others, you know, unhappy things and those that makes you feel all agitated.
Have this bad habit since young. I mean, I am like aunties that scold the baddies in those soap operas and such. You know it is all a show and that is the intention of the producers to stir up the emotions in its viewers. *rolleyes*
So here I am, like an ostrich hidding in the hole, refusing to go out to the living room and watch the show.... duh..
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Nice Quotes
"how can you like him?"
"why do you love him?"
but it's okay . .
i don't want them to understand because then . .
they'd love him too !!
I didnt mean for this to go as far as it did
and I didnt mean to get so close
and share what we did
and I didnt mean to fall in love
but I did
and you didnt mean to love me back
but I know you did
-Plain White t's- A lonely September
And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
"I know that I have to learn to say goodbye to the people in my past so I can move on but people just don't understand that no matter how hard you try you always have a little ray of hope that the people in your past will become the people in your future.
ever feel like the biggest problem in the not the world itself, but yourself in the world?
-a friend while watching the stars
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Happy Birthday, Leo
(from FEMALE Horoscope)
Yeah, the year is coming to an end and where are the locations that are raining men? *rolleyes*
Make me happy for nothing only..... lolzzz
Some of my frends' status changed from Single to In a Relationship, some vice versa.
Realised there is this 2nd degree frend whom I had 一面之缘 in Sec 2. There were chances that a frendship might developed. After that, on-off I still get to see him, but maybe 我们缘分还没到,we are still not acquainted...haa
百年修来共船渡,千年修得共枕眠。 Really have to treasure your spouse.... 缘分得来不易啊!
Sunday, July 2, 2006
Pride and Prejudice
Such is the arrogance of human beings. And life always make a fool of man by making it such that "Sometimes the last person on earth you want to be with is the one person you can't be without." It is fortunate that both Mr Darcy and Elizabeth can put aside their pride and face their true feelings. It will be such a pity if one of them did not see the light. But that is how the reality is...... pity.