Met up with Viz, Roy and partners for a drink and Viz told us a very strange dream he had last night. Well, he dreamt of Weicong visiting him. They had a comfortable conversation with each other including questions from Viz to Alex regarding his accident. Viz said the feeling he got from Alex was one of regrets but peaceful. According to him, he was in his secondary school haircut, you know the style of Jimmy Lin and Aarron Kwok? Hahah.... ya, tt "M" hairstyle and he looked thinner. Roy joke tt he was a "vegetarian" for 1 month.... no wonder he took a bottle of wine, smile a cheeky smile before Viz woke up. You see, cos Viz and Roy shared the loot of his wine, liquor and wine glasses between themselves.. so Viz suspect he will visit Roy next.. wahaha.
Viz said it might be due to his memories of him, but I believed the session really happened. Hmmm.... will he come visit me? :P
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Went running at NP today after my career counseling duty. Not thinking of clocking any timing, just want to get the motor starting after not running for 6 mths. But running into my fifth round, I could feel my knee starting to give way. Haiz, tot I won't need a knee guard just for that little running.... :( Anyways, din run but brisk walk for the rest of 2.4. So guess I will have to continue training and rem my knee guard the next time round....*rolleyes*
Thinking of subscribing to mobtv and catch all the shows that I've missed on Mediacorp. Some shows are nice you know especially the documentries and lifestyle programs. Hmmm... should I? :p Maybe after I finished all the DVDs that I've bought the last time round bah..haha
Thinking of subscribing to mobtv and catch all the shows that I've missed on Mediacorp. Some shows are nice you know especially the documentries and lifestyle programs. Hmmm... should I? :p Maybe after I finished all the DVDs that I've bought the last time round bah..haha
Monday, May 21, 2007
Went to Esplanade with Sis and Joven.... must get Joven accustom to the 艺术气息..wahaha. We then went to the V tea room again. Ate the same Irish Baileys cake again and sis ordered a yogurt cake.. she said she fat *rolleyes*. Then we tried all the flavoured cookies again! Heee... she bought 1 tin. Hmm... me gonna get others the next time round. And you know something? I forgot to take a pic of the cake again!! *bashhead*. But but but..... I managed to capture it just before all was inside my tummy...:p

Abit gross I know.... but tt's the point mah..:p

We polished up all!!!

Cookies on my bed...*grin*
Din buy any other things le. Waiting for GSS mah... cheapo. :p But if GSS did not have what I want.. then I will go buy tt dress. *grin* And me gonna buy a pair of boots and flats and heels..wahaha!
Abit gross I know.... but tt's the point mah..:p
We polished up all!!!
Cookies on my bed...*grin*
Din buy any other things le. Waiting for GSS mah... cheapo. :p But if GSS did not have what I want.. then I will go buy tt dress. *grin* And me gonna buy a pair of boots and flats and heels..wahaha!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Life goes on
Well, since I din finish my papers, I've got to submit the appeal letter and the MC that I have gotten. Hmm... hope they will allow me to retake bah. Anyway, with my TMA results, should not be a prob. But the thing now is... they dun have a sup paper. I will have to take the exam with the next presentation. Meaning if I am given the green light to resit for the paper, I will have 3 exams in Nov! But I think I can handle..V^^. The worse that can happen is not to continue the course... not such a big deal what.. rite? ^^ Have to take things easy bah....haiz.. But I will still try my alpha female dream..:p
Today is Sat but I spent the whole day back in the office..-_-".. cos audit coming mah. Haiz, now that the semester is over I should have some time on my hands. Shall plan how to spend. Hmm... what shall I do for tml? I will go for a run? Go Bugis and buy my bag? :p I shall go find a place... maybe Vivo on Monday to read a good book after my haircut and massage..^^
See open for Charlie and RC's case. See open for Alex case? ...I am getting back on track. Still waiting for the man on horse to sweep me off my feet.. :) Shall take things as it comes... all things happen for a reason..;)
Today is Sat but I spent the whole day back in the office..-_-".. cos audit coming mah. Haiz, now that the semester is over I should have some time on my hands. Shall plan how to spend. Hmm... what shall I do for tml? I will go for a run? Go Bugis and buy my bag? :p I shall go find a place... maybe Vivo on Monday to read a good book after my haircut and massage..^^
See open for Charlie and RC's case. See open for Alex case? ...I am getting back on track. Still waiting for the man on horse to sweep me off my feet.. :) Shall take things as it comes... all things happen for a reason..;)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Miss You
Did a very stupid thing today. I did not finish my exam. The ideas and theories are all in my head, but I just can't get anything out. I can't even string a sentence properly... and I think about you. Tears started flowing and I have to excuse myself to go to the ladies. I tot I could continue after letting go.... but I can't.
I tot I had it under control, that I can grieve all I want after today.. but I din make it. I did not have the time to grieve properly. I did not cry ever since the day he got into the accident, tearing, yes, but not crying. It felt so good that all is being let out. Lke the clearing of the tap, 1 gush, and everything was flashed away rather than tearing.. like the tap kana stuck like tt...haha. I miss you, and I will miss you. I kinda hate and envy you too. At least you are out of this dimension.... while I still have to suffer in it. It is really painful to see someone close to you go. Can I handle it when its my parents turn? What the fuck.... I hate LIFE!!
Dammit why the hell am I in this place? Can I just disappear? Dun even exist in any dimension? I m really sian, sian.... but what can I do except to look at the brighter side? What can I do except to live life fully since I am already here? What can I do except to handle the challenges that gets thrown into my face? I need a break......
Think I will be better prepared for my re-take bah. I should be ready by then...... Weicong, thanks for appearing in my life....Love you!
I tot I had it under control, that I can grieve all I want after today.. but I din make it. I did not have the time to grieve properly. I did not cry ever since the day he got into the accident, tearing, yes, but not crying. It felt so good that all is being let out. Lke the clearing of the tap, 1 gush, and everything was flashed away rather than tearing.. like the tap kana stuck like tt...haha. I miss you, and I will miss you. I kinda hate and envy you too. At least you are out of this dimension.... while I still have to suffer in it. It is really painful to see someone close to you go. Can I handle it when its my parents turn? What the fuck.... I hate LIFE!!
Dammit why the hell am I in this place? Can I just disappear? Dun even exist in any dimension? I m really sian, sian.... but what can I do except to look at the brighter side? What can I do except to live life fully since I am already here? What can I do except to handle the challenges that gets thrown into my face? I need a break......
Think I will be better prepared for my re-take bah. I should be ready by then...... Weicong, thanks for appearing in my life....Love you!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Alex is gone
Looking at the screen, I really dun know where to start. Just came back from the hospital and see him for the last time.
Alex, you've put up a good fight. You did not disappoint us. We saw how you responded to our calls... but I also understand this must be the toughest fight that you've ever fought. It has been over 1 mth le.... I think you are tired liao. Go ahead and rest bah....
Alex, you've put up a good fight. You did not disappoint us. We saw how you responded to our calls... but I also understand this must be the toughest fight that you've ever fought. It has been over 1 mth le.... I think you are tired liao. Go ahead and rest bah....
A lot of things happened recently... I am overwhelm. Fast fast concentrate on my PSCT and exam. I need good break.... really.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Info Overwhelm
Eh.... mood not very pretty these few days. First got to know something which I shouldn't know, next come the wedding (though I feel happy for him... but well, you know), then come Alex's condition... and did he found someone new? The last straw.. my RC is in a r/s le... :( I guess things get amplified when you are stressed i.e. my PMCT and exam coming next week.
Alex's condition is no good. This is the second time the doctor asked his mum if she is willing to let him go. His brain is already severely damaged because of the infection, even if he survives or wakes up, it will be very poor quality of life. I dun know... he hasn't been responding these 2 days, unlike last week. I know he is fighting very hard... and I think he is getting tired. It has been 1 mth le.... Is he trapped in his own body? Is he feeling helpless? 无奈? What is it that he wants? Told Ros I have this funni idea. You know chinese uses those kidney-shaped thingy to ask for permission or response from the "invisible beings"? I was thinking if I were given the chance, I will ask for his own opinion. Maybe his soul is just beside his body... watching everything that is happening ard him. Ros commented that I must have seen too much TV le.... eh... I think so too. -_-"
Alex's condition is no good. This is the second time the doctor asked his mum if she is willing to let him go. His brain is already severely damaged because of the infection, even if he survives or wakes up, it will be very poor quality of life. I dun know... he hasn't been responding these 2 days, unlike last week. I know he is fighting very hard... and I think he is getting tired. It has been 1 mth le.... Is he trapped in his own body? Is he feeling helpless? 无奈? What is it that he wants? Told Ros I have this funni idea. You know chinese uses those kidney-shaped thingy to ask for permission or response from the "invisible beings"? I was thinking if I were given the chance, I will ask for his own opinion. Maybe his soul is just beside his body... watching everything that is happening ard him. Ros commented that I must have seen too much TV le.... eh... I think so too. -_-"
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Just finished watching 大国崛起. Hmm... what makes a great leader? What are the attributes of a great leader that can led a country to glory and path the way to future endevours? How many wars and revolutions must there be for a overhaul of political changes? How come there are men out there who are willing to bring about changes and to challenge the norm? Maybe I should look at Dr Chee in a different light... I dun think there can be changes to any political system for belief or dynasty without blood shed and violence. Just look at history. Pray tell, where in history do we see great changes especially in power not ending with violence? Look at France, been thru 2 revolutions, 2 empires, 2 republics.... how many had shed their blood in the process? Who, in our little red dot dared to go against and lead a revolution against the present govt?
Hmm.... there were a lot of great philosophers in history... do we have any in our present times? Oh....haha, think there are a lot of self-proclaimed ones bah..keke. Interesting.... how ancient philosophers came out with all those ideas? Pluck from mid-air? Seems like it is quite interesting to read abt historians...especially great leaders and philosophers. Maybe I can go into philosophy after my psy and socialogy...haha..:p Makes me really wanna look at people and study them. Really absorb what is happening around to fully understand and appreciate life.
Hmm.... there were a lot of great philosophers in history... do we have any in our present times? Oh....haha, think there are a lot of self-proclaimed ones bah..keke. Interesting.... how ancient philosophers came out with all those ideas? Pluck from mid-air? Seems like it is quite interesting to read abt historians...especially great leaders and philosophers. Maybe I can go into philosophy after my psy and socialogy...haha..:p Makes me really wanna look at people and study them. Really absorb what is happening around to fully understand and appreciate life.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Hmm... supposed to go swimming today... but it rained and the worst thing was I went NTUC and bought 2 tubs of ice-cream!!! Wasn't I supposed to work out? Duh....-_-"
Was bathing... and tot of something (inspirations always happens when I am bathing..hmm..). I am 30 this year. I have learnt and explore myself for the past 2 years. And now I finally can accept and love myself, think its time for me to explore and to love others. 新的心境旅程吧!Life is a never ending learning journey.... 尝尽了人生的喜怒哀乐,悲欢离合,人生旅途才算完整。Haha.... I think I am ready to explore all things in life. But will I be able to handle it....well, guess we will have to wait and see. Did I mention I aspire to be an Alpha female? :p 1 to be desired by men and inspiration to women...Too old to have a dream? Nah, I will work towards tt...V^^
Oh ya, something on the side. After I went for the concert and heard Alan's songs... I realised 1 thing. The kind of woman that a man and a boy want is different. Me also think I am looking for a man now, not a boy..keke. But all men has a little boy in them...guess that is why they are so cute.. :p 恋爱的女人美,等爱的女人也美,要让自己保持最佳状态等待next better player 的到来. ;)
Was bathing... and tot of something (inspirations always happens when I am bathing..hmm..). I am 30 this year. I have learnt and explore myself for the past 2 years. And now I finally can accept and love myself, think its time for me to explore and to love others. 新的心境旅程吧!Life is a never ending learning journey.... 尝尽了人生的喜怒哀乐,悲欢离合,人生旅途才算完整。Haha.... I think I am ready to explore all things in life. But will I be able to handle it....well, guess we will have to wait and see. Did I mention I aspire to be an Alpha female? :p 1 to be desired by men and inspiration to women...Too old to have a dream? Nah, I will work towards tt...V^^
Oh ya, something on the side. After I went for the concert and heard Alan's songs... I realised 1 thing. The kind of woman that a man and a boy want is different. Me also think I am looking for a man now, not a boy..keke. But all men has a little boy in them...guess that is why they are so cute.. :p 恋爱的女人美,等爱的女人也美,要让自己保持最佳状态等待next better player 的到来. ;)
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Alan Tam
Yo! Went to see my idol concert the other day! This was the first time I ever attended a pop concert. Bought the next most expensive tickets so that I can really see the face of him... and I did! V^^
Tried my best and zoomed my camera all the way.... these were some of the shots..

Hee... not bad hor. The audience were mostly in their 30s and 40s.. very few young ppl like me... :p Wow, sang so many of his songs... and its like a great KTV hall with everybody singing along with him and the lyrics projected out. The most happening part was the encore! Wahaha.... my, am I surprised that the wildness of Alan's fans was comparable to the young idols lor. They stamped on the rised platform where they sat, threaten the dismantle untill he came back for the encore...hahaha. And we even stand on the chairs (yes, you saw it rite, me joining the wild slightly "overaged" audience) to sing, dance and wave to our idols.... ;)
Me took some video clips also, but cannot show here cos it was taken with the camera shaking (me dancing to the songs and singing along you see :p)
Not too sure I will go for other concert in the near future...(gotta take care of my wallet) but yes, I enjoyed myself very muchie! Well, that's my report on my first concert!
Tried my best and zoomed my camera all the way.... these were some of the shots..
Hee... not bad hor. The audience were mostly in their 30s and 40s.. very few young ppl like me... :p Wow, sang so many of his songs... and its like a great KTV hall with everybody singing along with him and the lyrics projected out. The most happening part was the encore! Wahaha.... my, am I surprised that the wildness of Alan's fans was comparable to the young idols lor. They stamped on the rised platform where they sat, threaten the dismantle untill he came back for the encore...hahaha. And we even stand on the chairs (yes, you saw it rite, me joining the wild slightly "overaged" audience) to sing, dance and wave to our idols.... ;)
Me took some video clips also, but cannot show here cos it was taken with the camera shaking (me dancing to the songs and singing along you see :p)
Not too sure I will go for other concert in the near future...(gotta take care of my wallet) but yes, I enjoyed myself very muchie! Well, that's my report on my first concert!
Sometimes we just need some nice words or rather words that we would like to hear to keep our sanity and hold our world coherent....
Sometimes we just need some nice words or rather words that we would like to hear to keep our sanity and hold our world coherent....
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