Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Had great fun with Joan @ Flea.Fly.Flo.Fun at the pit building that day. Set up a booth to sell our pre-loved clothes and accessories. Surprisingly it was those obiang ones that sold out first..haha.
Managed to earn back our rent with a few dollars to spare which........we spend it on other things from other booths :p

Great experience and I can now donate those leftovers to the charities. ^^

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 2010

So fast, it's mid April already... what have you done so far this year?

Time check:
1. Did my dance classes
2. Brought a property
3. Gonna start writing business plans to chase my dreams

I suddenly felt very empty tonight. Is it because of the rain? Haiz, I should spend more time feeding my soul with music, dance and everything beautiful and tranquil..

Saturday, April 3, 2010


今早心血来潮一个人到牛车水小贩中心吃早餐。空中祢满着好久没闻到的湿巴杀独特气味(不是我喜欢的 :p)。吃着津津有味的江鱼仔酿豆腐,听着耳熟能详的怀旧金曲,这不就是简单人生的一大享受吗?^^