Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome 2013

Well well, surprised I missed the whole year of 2012!
It ok. I will start my 2013 Resolutions anyway. Haha.

Let's roll!!

2013 Resolution/Wishes

  1. To be more professional and empathise more with my patients
  1. Believe that I will succeed and bring more smiles and good things to people I interact with
  2. Be more firm and confident that good begets good and more 福分will come my way
  3. Always be true to my heart when doing this business
  4. I will do big in this business with the help of my dynamic and enthusiastic downlines.
  1. Believe I will strike Toto within this year
  2. To have more properties that will help me build my nest
  3. To meet more avenues for wealth creations
  1. Read a book once a month
  2. Go for a musical/dance performance
  1. Target weight to be 50kg
  2. Drink more water
  3. Stay true to TRA teachings and eating habits
  4. Finished all my prev health supplements
  1.  To join back the volunteer service I signed up earlier and influence my hubby to do the same
  2. Set aside a sum of money each month for charity
  1. Practise 7 habits and The Secret 
  2. To be more aware of the nature and be grateful of the  good things that happened in my life.
  3. To write in my gratitude book everyday for things I am grateful for. 
I send this out to the universe and believe I will achieve all of this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.