Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Burdens/Own responsibility?

Just finished reading mrbrown's webbie and this site has this very interesting entry regarding some response to his previous posting. "Pre-screen your babies to save society the burden, says reader". Read all the comments on that post and I must say I agree mostly with John Smith. If the parents knowingly decided to keep the child with abnormilities even when in the womb, then they should be responsible for the upbringing of the child. Of cos, additional help is always appreciated but if no help is given, then they should bear all responsibility to bring the child up no matter what. We all know how parents love their children no matter how they turn out to be, its parental instinct and I believed parents will do all they can to ensure the most comprehensive care is given to their precious.

There will be ppl who argue with this point, that an abnormal child will have a more difficult childhood then a healthy child. Have the parents consider the discriminations that the child has to go thru for the rest of his/her life? Have they consider how this is going to affect his/her mental state? Are they prepared to shoulder the blame should the child blames them for bringing him/her to this world? Who should take care of them when the parents grow old and die? I am not saying the children will have no value in the society... tt is so unfair. What I am driving at is the responsiblity of the parents. Yea.... in the most ideal world, the world will be filled with love and care. Everyone are brothers and sisters, we shall care for each other with no personal agenda whatsoever. But...... do we see it now? What I see is just practical, cold, hard reality of life! People have evolved... into practical, goal-oriented or should I say to a certain extent... robots.

Yes, go ahead and have tons of kids when you can't even feed yourself, go ahead and educate your kids that less is more and be thankful just for the chance to come into this world. Call me pathetic, heatless or just morbid, I do wish I was not born. Even I am a healthy, able-bodied being. Why bring a life to this world knowing its ugly, its painful and I see no meaning in living? I dun know, maybe you can argue that I am in no position to speak for anyone, even the foetus in the womb. Maybe..... they will lead a more meaningful life than me and not blame me for bringing them into this world.

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