Hmm...boring me. Watching DVDs on Sat nite by myself at home... no life hor? :( Anyway, managed to finish 2 pieces of disc. Finally got to watch "The Guardian". Hmm...... ya, we need more of these "Hallmark" movies to motivate us in our work. I almost forgot why I signed up in the first place. Ppl usually won't appreciate you untill they need you. Even if they need you, you might not be appreciated at all too *shrug*. But what I can say is tt no matter how the ppl denied and show their nonchalant, deep down they feel a sense of security in our presence when they are in need. I guess tt is what is most important, isn't it?
How do wives cope with their husbands whose jobs are always threading between life and death? I think I can understand from both sides of the story. As men with inspirations, the sense of responsibility to be out there doing their job, what their best at doing is a calling. To fully engaged in your job and responsibilities, to save ppl, to fight for the country, is very fulfilling and statisfying you know? And to a man (or a women as in my case :p) tt is very important. What about the wives then? As a woman, if I ever have a husband or family, I would never let the man I love dies. What will I do without him? without him by my side, growing old with me.... Of cos I will be selfish and hope to keep him by my side. I've asked myself before.. if my husband is going on a dangerous mission (or job, if he is in any of the forces) will I let him go? Isn't it important that you help your SO realise their wish? Isn't being supportive is what love is about? Will I let go?
Hmm.... when I was with Charlie and in the Navy, I did think abt this prob before. If the button was ever pressed.... will we leave our kids behind and fight all the way? Will we be supportive of each other to do the best, even if it means laying down our lives? Haaa.... k, at least I dun have to worry abt tt now.. :p You know what? Maybe ppl like us doing rescue work or police or soldier should stay single, and disregard life and death. Maybe these jobs are suitable for ppl who are tired of living just like me. Haha. K yeah, time to shape up and kick ass. God, I missed those hell days! I am really crazy and bo liao to be thinking of going thru it again.... haha.
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