Sunday, October 2, 2005


Hmm..... Bali kana another bombing yesterday.. :( Just as they are picking up the pieces after the 2002 bombings. Who would have expected the terrorists will attack the same place after 3 years? Its gonna take a longer time for Bali to recover than the previous one.

With all the hurricans stoming all over the world, may makes you think the world IS coming to an end. Maybe its time. Look at what the human race has done to mother nature, look at how the humans are killing 1 another, look at how selfish and mighty the human race has placed themselves to be....*shrug* (So not having kids is the correct thing to do... :p)

While people in the affected countries are picking up where they left off before the disaster or preparing for the oncoming ones, we, safe in our own haven are busy minding our own biz and everyday life. Yea, my own 世界末日 is coming!!! In the form of Level 3.. :p Hiaz, anyway, like I said, I haven't been studying th whole week, let nature take its course bah, being too anxious might even hinder your performance..*shrug*

Been picking up crochet again after all these years, heee, gonna keep some to de-stress when I need it in Level 3. Tomorrow is the starting lor..... let me see how I'm going to nuah for today.....

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