Saturday, May 13, 2006

Poseidon & Sick

Went to see Poseidon the other day. Not bad, but preferred Titanic. Not because of the love story, but of the fact that the director really potrayed the agony of leaving your loved ones behind and the struggle to survive. Think I will go buy the DVD of Titanic. Its a classic.

As for the aftermath of watching Poseidon, it reminded me of my Navy days, and that I had better revise my notes (if I have the time and motivation) :p and time to hit the pool again. Haven been swimming for the past 1 year!!! Can you imagine tt?!?! It also made me think of my hardy personality. How would I have reacted if the same situation hits me? Will I be as calm, as witty and quick thinking? Will I be lazy and leave the thinking to others and just be a follower? Will I be focused enough and have the will to live and find a way out? Sometimes you just need this kinda inspiration or motivation to get some things going.... :) And yes, dun forget to tell those you love how you really feel just in case...... Do live your life as you like and dun regret. Always be true to your feelings, you live only once....

Okie, just watched True Courage on the box. This guy Takidah, really, have to hand it to him. He was a promising young man, met with an accident with only 1% chance of survival. Although he made it, but he was in a coma and it took 14 days before he came to. He suffered amnesia due to his brain damage and underwent 19 operations for his injuries and comestic surgeries. He lost his previous memories, behaved like a 3-year old kid before he regained his ability as an adult. He broke off with his long-timed gerfrend so that she could carry-on with her life. He applied to NIE, and gone into teaching. He was determined to relearn everything and achieved what he has today. *Clap clap* Tt, is true courage. How many of us can do that if we were in his shoes?

We have to always relearn, re-organised our piorties in life. How we can live better and be useful in this lifetime. Time for me to reflect and think about things too.... I will need constant reminding cos I am human and a forgetful one too... :)

Kaoz, having flu for the past few days liao. Will see doc tml and rest before going for flu jab on Monday... Zzzzzz

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