Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What is fate?

What is fate? We have been talking abt "let fate decide" especially when it comes to affairs of the heart and in particular, singles around my age... hee. But how do you define if "fate" makes you fall for a particular person, or if you guys even know each other at all in the first place?

Do you call fate only in the situation when you like him and he likes you? Do you wait for something to happen before you decided you are fated to be together? Do you think if you are meant to be together, you will be together without you doing anything? I dun know. *shrug*

Here is one scenario, you see this guy across the room, your eyes met, he is an acquaintence of a frend. You 2 felt the attraction. Now you can do 2 things, either, you make an active effort to know more abt the guy, or you can say, "if its meant to be, we will meet again or get acquainted somehow." What will you do? Does having the urge to do something active in achieving your potential happiness count as "fate"? If its not, then how come you dun have the same urge with other people? And the fact that you did act on your action, does it points to fate too? That it is fate you overcome your fears and decided to do the chasing? *shrug* Am I making sense?

So how do you define fate? Does fate means that you need not do anything and the thing just happen? Or does it mean at that point of time, you decided to do something to give chase?

Fate, what a good excuse....haaa....

Afternote: Just saw what my frend posted on his MSN, 所谓的“随缘”,只是在为自己的行为与过错找个借口!Wahahahaa..... *clap clap*

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