Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Back to SMM

Aha! Last day of attachment to Alexandra Hospital le. Hmm.. learnt quite a lot especially during the tour of A&E department. Did IM (intermuscular) injection.... V^_^. We were also attached to the wards to learn more about the aftercare and the presentations of the patients for various conditions.

Not forgetting the cute male nurse.... hur hur hur... :p

Anyway, we will be going back to SMM for the last few days of our course. Finally finished my case study report for handing up and presenting after 2 nites of "drive nite car" -_-"...

Let's see what we will be doing, we still have the AED (shocking of patient) protocol to learn and to be tested. My medical retest will be on Friday, and presentation of our case study. Then next Monday will be our finals and if we pass, graduation will be on Tuesday!!!!

That's all for now folks... gotta catch some beauty sleep now....

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