Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tired II

Hmm... pretty tired after 3 straight night duties. Average of 6 calls for the past 3 days lor... x x. Had a stupid call on the second night. Patient gangfight with a deep gaping laceration on his arm. Can even see his tendon and muscle le! Dun want to go hospital nevermind, even haul verbal abuse at me and threaten to complain when I advise him to go hospital. I asked him go ahead, gave him my name and my ambulance callsign. WTF! K lor, its your hand, dun go, get infected, arm rot, amputated, your business. I did my job and if you dun take care and treasure your life/limb, its your pasa. I am not the one in pain!

Haiz, think I a bit sick of seeing all the gore and fats and blood. Dun feel like seeing anymore of it. Think I need a break. So easily burn out..... :(

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