Sunday, September 3, 2006

The History of Singapore

Yesterday ChL 5 was showing this documentry series on The History of Singapore. Maybe I wasn't paying attention in my history classes when I was in school, I just couldn't relate to our history then. But after yesterday show, it suddenly drawn on me how Sir Stamford Thomas Raffles developed this little country of ours into what it is to be today. How he planned and lay the blueprint of making Singapore the regional hub of trading.

National education is being taught at various levels of our education system. It is a good thing that RADM Lui is looking into how to improve on National education to appeal to the students. More thots have to go into it and as myself has shown, it may take some level of maturity or exposure to fully appreciate our history and culture and how important it is for us as citizens to maintian this harmony we took for granted. Of course our govt played a great part in how we view and treat out citizenship and national responsibility. And we can't deny our bo chapness has got everything to do with the way we were brought up, the way our govt inculcated social vaues and expectations. However, as our little nation progress and mature, isn't it time that we the citizens of Singapore do something for the progress of the nation instead of anti PAP just for the sake of it? The govt has to be responsible, so does the people. The world dun owe you anything, you are responsible for yourself and your situation.

I am a duty, honour, county person. I fight and defend my land for her people, not for the govt. I support National service and the character development it bring upon the people. You will see guys complaining about their NS, but deep down, they know these were the best time of their youth and the best bonding among Singaporen men.

Greed and quest for power is human nature, and it is so too for any govt for that matter. I hope the govt really walk the talk when they said they are open to ideas and solutions from the people (though I doubt they will really do You are born into this world and you have to play by its rules. If you do not the have ability to be top of the pyramid, then be desinated to be a pawn at the bottom.....

Everything boils down to only 1 thing..... the basic of human nature.

P.S. If you dun understand what the f*** I am writing about, its okay. Cos I just wrote what came into my mind... it doesn't need to have any connections... lolzz

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