Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sex n Gender n social stratification

The topics for these 2 weeks lessons discussed about sex and gender and how the society uses them as stratification. Although the term sex and gender are use interchangeably, sex is defined as physical traits i.e. reproductive system while gender is defined as masculine and feminine roles being acted out. So in contemporary society, your sex and gender may not coincide ya know?

We discussed about catergorising sexuality into "good sex", "debatable sex" and "bad sex"... heh, who would have tot there is so much into sexuality?? :p Basically I enjoyed these few lectures and tutorials on social stratification in societies i.e. the ranking of people in a hierarchy. Many, many debatable points, it was fun! Had wanted to post more on gender roles and how we are "programed" to behave the way it is expected of us but it will be like delivering the whole lecture here.... heh.

We also talked about how the whole world is being geared towards capitalisim and money is what makes the world goes round. We are all being "programed" to be consumers who keep on buying and buying, then we have to keep on working and working, then the bosses will get richer and richer and then the bosses will keep on spending and spending and the cycle continues. Hey, come to think of it, life really has more to offer than these rite?

For example my tutor, he wore a blue stripe shirt today. Boy, was he cute... :p Broad chested, knowledgable, looks young, makes jokes, delivers good lectures, oozing sex appeal..... but he still got the ring on his finger. -_-" I hope he is not gay, it will be such a shame.....

Rite, my english really sucks! Having limited vocab is really crippling if you want to write a good and impressive report. Damn! Why do I have such competitive trait? I really want to excel in this course. Why am I stressing myself? :(

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