Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Alex met with a RTA. He is now doing the emergency ops. According to the neurologist and what the PM told me, he has got serious head injury. He is unconscious and on breathing apparatus. The doctor won't know the outcome and how it will affect his neuro activites until he regain conscious after the ops. I do pray he will be alright......

On hindsight, is my recent brush with Oliver and the World Red Cross Day parade a tell tale sign? Anyway, it doesn't matter now. My heart wrench when I saw him motionless on the bed. Damn! I really wish he will be okay....

Footnote: Ops finished liao, but swelling in the brain not yet subside. They using medication to help. If this is no better, he might not be able to pull thru. I'm an optimisic person.... I am sure he will be able to fight thru it....

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