Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Tuesdays with Morries

Finally finished the last few pages of the book. Well, I was pretty lazy lar, to tell the truth, lazy to read, lazy to write. What the heck? That's the prob with self-improvement or inspiring books. Humans are forgetful animals, you need to re-read to refresh your memories. Okie, this time round, only 2 topics


Hmmm.... what if today is your last day on earth? What regrets would you have? What would you have done but have not done? Will you be statisfied with what you have achieved so far? It is always so easy to say "SIEZE the day" , "Live like its the last day of your life" . But really..... how many of us can do it? I have been trying to do that. At least I've said whatever I wanted to say to those I want to say it to.. so far. (What a mouthful :p) What else have I not done that I want it to be done? Hmm.... dun think so I have. Oh, okie, at least that shows I'm living in the present! :)

Have I been very demostrative of my emotions? I dun care, this is me and this is how I want to present to the world. Did a very funni thing yesterday. I sent out an sms to a few of my frends "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! I LOVE YOU *MUACKS* " 1 frend responded " you are stressed ar? " Haaa.... ermm... nope, I was just feeling very happy and great and I wanna share the happiness and warm feelings around.. :p

Charlie told me he will be going over to Ache for 6 mths on official biz and its a high risk trip. Well, din really think much of it until he describe to me the nature of his role there. Then it striked me that there really is some sort of risk involved. So I spent the whole afternoon with him yesterday. He will be flying off on the 14th, my birthday. Haa.. such concidence, Junqing was enlisted on my birthday that year too... hmm.. Have I told him all I wanted to say? Did I missed out anything?

As for the latest adventure..... we'll see bah


Morrie was discussing handling emotions with Mitch Albom on 1 of the Tuesday. We all have emotions, fear, anger, happy, sad, how do we handle them? In Morrie wise words, it is natural to not know how to handle emotions. When we are not in control, we tend to be blinded by our emotions and that might drove us into doing irrational acts. Fear, greed, sad, anger are the few emotions that will make us lose our feet. How do we handle that then? By allowing ourselves to acknowledge and feel the emotion totally. Only when you immersed yourself totally into the feeling, will you be able to detach yourself from it. Acknowledge you are feeling that particular emotion and let it seep through, once you exprienced it, tell yourself "okay, I've been thru it, now its time for me to let go". Easier said than done. However, I've been to a coaching class previously, it teaches us to acknowledge our feelings and thots and to find out where they come from. Usually its formed when you are little. The experiences you encountered actually shaped you in doing whatever you are doing now or how you handle a situation. I wanted to let the feelings seep thru me especially when I'm feeling fearful ,lost or guilt. But it does take time and practise to detach yourself from those feelings....... and I am still learning.

Okie, let me see what other books I'm gonna re-read again...

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